Saturday, May 25, 2013

Blogging and RSS Feeds

The Internet is a vast and crowded marketplace. To be heard above the din is a tricky business. Once you have written quality content and you blog is worth a look, it is time looking for people to visit your site. RSS is an abbreviation for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. These two different versions have evolved from a controversy as to who has actually invented RSS. But what does it mean?
The best way to explain this is with an example. Let's say, you have a blog and interesting things to say in it. You would like to have as many people viewing it as possible. RSS or feed aggregation allows you to provide the information on your blog on other websites. It is a form of syndication where, your blog is made available to those websites, which may be interested in publishing your content. This way your feed becomes available to numerous readers.
RSS searches are becoming more popular in comparison to search engines merely because of the fact that information resident on your blog is automatically available to multiple sites. This is a major advancement from a pure directory search.
RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0 are presently available. Obviously the choice is later because of the additional tools and facilities which it offers. Creating a RSS feed is quite simple. If you have some basic idea of html, cutting and pasting relevant code should not be a problem. For those really raw, blogging through a ready made blogging site would be simpler. Sites such as have a easy to use interface to include RSS on your blog. In this modern world, an elementary knowledge of html is always useful.
The RSS file would be automatically created with the tools available on popular blogging sites. One has to now syndicate it so that others can actually use the content available on your blog. For this you may have to explore some of the RSS directories and search engines. Feedster, RSS Search, Blogdigger and Snarf are some of the examples of a RSS search engine.
What about RSS feed for your own blog? RSS provides a great opportunity for viewers of your blog to know about happenings in context to your content. News feeds are a good way to keep your blog live and humming.
RSS feeds should be provided to other sites. Simultaneously your own blog should have relevant RSS feeds.
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